The Warren Preservation Society presents A Tale of Two Centuries: Mary Merchant DeWolf (1870-1947) & Rachel Howard DeWolf (1913-2004), a web exhibit exploring the lives of two generations of Rhode Island women. This digital project is curated from a diverse selection of items found within the Merchant DeWolf Family Collection, one of the largest collections currently housed in the Society's archives. With this site, we have chosen to specifically highlight family members Mary Jolls Merchant DeWolf and Rachel Howard DeWolf—a mother and daughter inspiring suffrage, public service, and the modern spirit in Warren, R.I. at the turn of the 20th century.

By extension, we hope to offer a look into changing social conventions for women during a time of historic change in the United States, while also recognizing and examining the circumstances and privilege that allowed each woman to assert herself. Mary became exceedingingly outspoken for women's suffrage, was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, and started the Warren chapter of the Red Cross at the onset of World War I. She was the first woman in Rhode Island to register to vote when the 19th Amendment was initially approved in 1919, even before the amendment's official ratification. Rachel studied music and theater, then in the 1940s she worked as a model in New York City for the Conover Modeling Agency. She married Oscar Herzig (1912-1979) in 1936, and performed briefly on stage as Rachel Herzig. After Word War II, Rachel held an administrative position in Allied Occupied Japan. Together, she and her husband lived in Newport, Venezuela, and Japan.

This exhibit offers just a sampling of items from the collection. We invite research into these materials. Suggested topics include, but are by no means limited to:

The Warren Presevation Society offers its sincere gratitude to the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities (RICH). This digital exhibit is made possible through major funding support from the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities, an independent state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Council seeds, supports, and strengthens public history, cultural heritage, civic education, and community engagement by and for all Rhode Islanders. We would also like to thank the Massasoit Historical Association and the George Hail Free Library for sharing items from their collections for inclusion in this exhibit.

The Warren Preservation Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit membership organization dedicated to historical preservation in the town of Warren, Rhode Island by preserving its architectural and cultural resources and educating the community about the history of the town.

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